Temporal Research Anthropocene Consulting

Hunter Gatherer Anthropology and Archaeology / Topics and Themes for Community Exploration


What discoveries and information about the past can benefit our lives today?


Hunter Gatherer Fishers

TRAC supports investigations into Hunter Gatherer societies. TRAC observes the dichotmy between todays modern society and lifestyle, and the society and lifestyle of our shared human family/our shared human ancestry. The working professionals that guide our technology, industry, and economy can gain insight by learning about the people of the past. Advancements in archaeology allow knowledge of hunter gatherers to now compliment what was mostly knowledge and information about recent (written) history.

Gender Roles and women in history/Prehistory

It can be exciting to consider the roles people may have had in the past. How do they compare with today? Were there divisions of labor based on gender? How different were the activities of men and women? Were men and women in charge of different pocessions. How were family ties arranged? How was property or land use organized?

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concepts of Landscape by people in history and prehistory

The people of the past had very different ways of knowing, recording and identifying with land and landscape. For many present day people understanding landscape in different ways is challenging or simply not possible.


The Earliest Art was produced by hunter gathereRs in places across Europe, Africa, The Americas, and Australia.